© 2025 ShaveMOB All Rights Reserved | Cartridges manufactured in South Korea. Handles manufactured in China.
*Monthly and any other supply timeframe statements made by ShaveMob here or elsewhere are made based on ShaveMOB's opinions and estimates and have not been officially substantiated by third party scientific studies. Results may vary, depending on personalized use and individual characteristics, including without limitation:
1. The number of shaves per week.
2. The temperature of the water used to rinse the razor.
3. The care taken to dry the razor after each use.
4. The parts of the body shaved.
5. The coarseness/toughness/length of the individual’s hair.
Recurring Charges: Products that are described as "Subscriptions" will automatically renew, causing your credit card to be charged and products to be shipped to you automatically. You can change or cancel your subscription at any time by logging in.